This project attempted to document the natural process of decay and decomposition taking over the territory of man-made metal objects. I chose to take extremely close-up images of these changes in order to construct dream-like dimensions or landscapes. The object thus acts as its own frame with its own character occurring naturally without any interference, except the movement of my lens and the introduction of some light.
The eroding process causes the object to become more chaotic and abstract, ironically leading to people attempting to impose an order or new life into these images subconsciously. It is an inherent fear within the human psyche to not want things to end indefinitely.
I have thus played upon this facet of human emotion - the longing for continuance of life and order - to provoke an emotional or cognitive response towards my work, thus documenting on one level these dying objects but also the human condition and thought process that leads us to construct in the moments we view these images.